Overcoming Office Back Pain

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

How many hours do you spend sitting at a desk?  Is your desk job killing you?  OK, it may not be killing you, but have you considered that it may be the cause of your back pain? Work-related back pain is one of the most common occupational disorders in the US, affecting four out of five Americans at some point in their life. Sounds silly, but something as innocent as sitting at your desk all day puts you at a great risk for back pain or injury.

While sitting can damage your back in a variety of ways; the main cause of back pain caused by sitting stems from your back being pulled out of its natural position.  Who would have thought that something as standard as a piece of furniture can cause so much anguish for so many?  And sometimes, even having the right (ergonomic) chair and perfect posture can’t help alleviate the pain that your desk job has already caused.

Guidelines for medical practitioners state that chiropractic spinal manipulation can help back pain, especially if carried out within the first six weeks of when symptoms appear.  The longer you have been in pain, the longer it may take to improve with treatment.

Sitting for long periods of time can also be a contributing factor to sciatic back pain.   Sciatica symptoms can include pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. Generally, the pain is caused by the compression of one of the five spinal nerves that gives rise to each sciatic nerve. Because of this, chiropractic can be an extremely effective method at treating the symptoms and cause of sciatica.  In fact, a recent study showed that among patients with severe sciatica requiring hospitalization, 91% were able to return to work full-time after receiving chiropractic treatment.

Don’t think that work related injuries stop at the chair.  Take a closer look at your desk. How about that keyboard you are typing on and that mouse that is attached to your hand 80% of the day?  Are you experiencing frequent burning, tingling, or itching numbness in the palm of the hand or your fingers, especially the thumb and the index and middle fingers? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very common in today’s workplace, usually caused by overuse and repetitive wrist movements like typing and moving the mouse.  What you might not realize is that you can and should see a chiropractor for help!

Typically, the chiropractic treatment for a repetitive stress injury like carpal tunnel syndrome includes manipulation of the affected wrist and elbow, as well as manipulation of the upper spine. A spinal manipulation involves applying controlled pressure to a joint. The chiropractor may also advise the patient to rest the affected arm, apply cold to reduce inflammation, perform appropriate exercises, or wear a splint or brace to immobilize the area.

Additionally, Dr. Judd Lowrey, D.C. at Lowrey Chiropractic is a specialist in soft tissue treatments including Graston Technique and Active Release Technique (ART). ART is a highly successful non-invasive hands-on treatment that restores proper function to soft tissues, in the process eliminating symptoms of pain, numbness, weakness, and decreased range of motion. Active Release Techniques is a proven effective treatment for common injuries due to prolonged sitting, including Sciatica and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The reality is that the office is where most of us spend the majority of their day.  Thus, it is important to pay attention to your surroundings.  Not only your loud cubical mate, but your chair, mouse, headphones and keyboard can all cause you grief.  If you are experiencing pain on a daily basis, make sure to pay a visit to your chiropractor for some relief!

Call Lowrey Chiropractic, El Dorado Hills Chiropractor at (916) 941-7508 today or visit us online at www.lowreychiropractic.com to find out how chiropractic care can help you.

Dr.Judd Lowrey,D.C. |  Lowrey Chiropractic  | El Dorado Hills & Folsom Chiropractor

(916) 941-7508

Helpful Tips to Prevent Pain Caused from Backpacks

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

children and chiropractic_ backpack safety

Young children are suffering from back pain much earlier than previous generations, and the use of overweight backpacks is a contributing factor, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). Loaded with binders, textbooks, and now even laptops, children’s backpacks are often tripping the scales at over 30lbs. Lugging this amount of weight can certainly lead to significant back, shoulder, and neck injuries.

Here are few helpful tips:

  • Backpacks should not weigh more than 10 percent of body weight. With a heavier backpack, children tend to bend forward to support the extra weight.
  • Wear both shoulder straps is key! Lugging the backpack around by one strap can cause the disproportionate shift of weight to one side.
  • Backpack should hang less than four inches below waistline.
  • Choose a backpack with individualized compartments to redistribute weight effectively.
  • Wide, padded and adjustable straps are very important. Non-padded straps are uncomfortable, and can dig into your child’s shoulders.

Chiropractic for Preventing School-Related Injuries

Friday, August 10th, 2012

It is time again to get ready for the school year ahead. Of course, preparing for back to school includes buying necessary supplies and clothes, but it should also include creating a plan for wellness to ensure your children stay healthy throughout the year. Along with having a trusted pediatrician who you can call when injuries and illnesses occur, it also makes sense to partner with a chiropractor who can help prevent and treat many soft tissue injuries that commonly occur in childhood.

Beware of Overloaded Backpacks!
Surprisingly, backpacks are a leading cause of soft tissue injuries during the school year.  Yep, backpacks!

Loaded with binders, textbooks, and now even laptops and tablets, children’s backpacks are often tipping the scales at over 30 lbs. Lugging this amount of weight can certainly lead to significant back, shoulder, and neck injuries – particularly when the weight isn’t evenly distributed.

According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, a child’s backpack should never weigh more than 15% of their body weight. And, a clear indicator that a backpack is too heavy is when a child is in a stooped position when carrying a backpack. Other signs of backpack-related problems include tingling in the arms and complaints of back and shoulder pain.

Needless to say, it’s very important to choose your child’s backpack carefully and to watch for signs of problems that can potentially turn into painful injuries. For questions about backpack safety or to receive a backpack check and fitting, it’s a smart idea to consult with a chiropractor who can evaluate the distribution of weight across the back and correct issues that could cause injury to the muscles and other soft tissues.

Treating Strains and Sprains
Like backpacks, after school sports are notorious for causing many childhood injuries. Strains and sprains commonly occur in children playing on the playground or participating in after school sports. These often happen due to trips and falls or children simply playing too hard.

If a fracture or break is suspected, it’s only prudent to seek medical assistance. However, in many cases, chiropractic treatment can be extremely beneficial. Treatments such as Active Release Technique (ART) can significantly help heal injured tissues while increasing range of motion, strength, and flexibility.

As we get closer to the start of school, we encourage you to visit our website and contact us for an evaluation. We’re dedicated to being a partner in your children’s wellness throughout their school years and beyond.



Lowrey Chiropractic, Dr. Judd Lowrey, D.C.

5007 Windplay Drive, Suite 2, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Phone: (916) 941-7508



Neck Stretch: Shoulder Depression Side Bend & Hold

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Benefits: Increases flexibility, improves joint range of motion, and improves circulation.

Lowrey chiropractic Neck Stretch

Neck Stretch


  1. Begin by sitting upright in a chair. Maintain good posture, positioning self on sit bones so that spine is in neutral position with a flat low back.

  3. Reach to top of head with one arm while opposite arm grasps chair, stabilizing shoulder. Gently pull head over away from depressed shoulder, stretching neck. Hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat on other side.



Headaches, Chiropractic, and Active Release Techniques

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

When a headache strikes, it can not only be painful. It can literally make it impossible to accomplish everyday activities such as working, reading, or even having a conversation.

For many, the solution is grabbing for a pain reliever to mask the pain. While medications can help relieve the pain of a headache for some, they do not address the underlying cause. This reality can lead to a problematic cycle for those who suffer from frequent headaches, resulting in overuse of medications and diminished ability to treat the pain.

Many headache sufferers are often surprised to discover that chiropractic care is an alternative treatment to pain medications that can address the underlying causes of headaches. In fact, an innovative treatment called Active Release Techniques (ART) is proving to be effective in helping individuals break the cycle of repeated headaches and find real relief from the pain.

Why Chiropractic Can Help
It is certainly understandable to think that headaches originate in the head because that is where the pain is felt. However, scientific evidence shows that many of the most common types of headaches begin in neck muscles, nerves, and joints.

The cervical spine area is comprised of seven vertebrae along with a complex system of muscles and joints that help support and control the weight of the head. When these muscles and joints are strained, often occurring with computer use, certain sports, and auto accidents, micro-trauma can occur, causing small amounts of damage to the muscles, tendons, joint capsules, and ligaments. This damage can lead to scar tissue and adhesions which can result in pain, stiffness, tightness, restricted joint motion, and diminished blood flow.

Chiropractic care, and more specifically ART, is a method of addressing problems related to scar tissue and adhesions. Chiropractors skilled in this technique first locate and then break up restrictive adhesions, free entrapped nerves, and then reinstate normal tissue flexibility and movement. The result is better flexibility, balance, and stability to the affected area.

Many patients report reduced pain from headaches in a short amount of time after undergoing ART. Significant improvement is often experienced in just four to six treatments.

ART also enables a chiropractor to find additional problems that are in the kinetic chain associated with movement compensations. These often contribute to headaches and other types of aches and pains. By treating these, areas of dysfunction and weakness that can become future sources of pain and injury can be addressed.

Because of the promising results of ART, many leading professional sports teams are now beginning to add practitioners of the technique to their training staff. As the positive effects of this technique are now being seen in both top athletes and everyday individuals, more and more will be choosing this medication-free approach to treating headaches.

Are you suffering from headaches and seeking an alternative to pain medications? ART might be right for you. To book an appointment, call our office today at 916-941-7508.