Posts Tagged ‘hand weakness’

Don’t Let Arm or Wrist Pain Slow You Down!

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

Many people experience pain daily, and one of the most common complaints are in wrists and arms. With 15 bones in the wrist, misalignment can be an issue that can result in pain. Misalignment directly causes pressure on nerves thus creating discomfort. Another area where pain can originate is from direct or indirect pressure on nerves that exit your upper spine and extend through to your hand.

The nerve roots are attached to your spinal cord and exit out through the spinal column through the neck and upper back, traveling through your shoulder, down your arm, to the elbow, wrist, and hand. When nerves are disrupted they will cause a variety of different types of pain such as weakness, numbness, tingling, burning, sharp, dull, or an aching feeling. These symptoms are particularly responsive to chiropractic spinal adjustments designed to treat such problems.

Wrist pain can also be caused by trauma or strain due to repetitive action on the joint. This causes muscle tightness and restriction in the movement of the joint. There are many causes of arm, elbow, and wrist pain. Sometimes, it will only take a single movement and you will feel instant pain. Injuries to ligaments and muscles in your arm will occur when they are overworked over a period of time from activities like sports, work, or home improvement projects. Common sports injuries, such as tennis and golfers elbow, are very common in active adults and can be cared for fairly easily through chiropractic treatment.

While rest, anti-inflammatory medicine, and ice can help manage the pain, they will do nothing to correct your underlying condition. Not having treatment will generally cause the underlying problem to eventually get worse. Each time the pain comes back, it will be worse, and last longer, until your condition becomes permanent. In which case, surgery may become necessary.

Chiropractic care is a much safer and less expensive route to take when dealing with pain. Invasive surgery should be a last resort when all other options are exhausted. A doctor will examine you and conduct diagnostic tests to determine exactly what is causing your wrist or arm pain. The causes and seriousness of conditions can vary so it is important to pinpoint the cause and begin an appropriate treatment plan.  Wrist and arm pain can negatively affect everything from work performance to personal relationships, yet this condition can easily be treated through high quality chiropractic care.

If painful arms, wrists, or hands are slowing you down, call our office today at 916-941-7508 to schedule an exam.